Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Sadly, we had to put our good pal Chigger down 2 weeks ago. He was a great standard poodle and he fathered nine pups. We kept one of his pups who we named Miles and think he's just the cutest guy.

After Chigger died, we'd let Miles outside and he'd stand on the deck waiting for Chigger to join him. Sadly, he stood and stood there and his dad never came out. It broke our hearts to see him stand there waiting. When Terra got married a week ago (November 15th), Miles went to stay with one of his brothers. By the time he returned home, it seemed like he waited less time at the door before venturing out to the yard.

While we were at Terra's in-laws for their wedding open house this past weekend, they told us about a woman who had standard poodle pups. To make a long story short, we now have a precious little apricot standard poodle pup that is 8 weeks old. She's a miniature edition of Miles...He looked just like her when he was a pup.

He no longer stands at the door waiting, instead, he's leaping off the deck and chasing his new little friend. They romp and play and seem to be getting along really well. The only setback has been that Brie (her name) doesn't enjoy being in the crate. She is OK about going there at night to sleep, but she doesn't like any part of it during the day. I don't think it will take her long to realize that for an hour a day she'll be in her crate. That way she can be there when I run errands and I won't come home to streams of toilet paper that a dog has pulled on and run down the hallway with. Why do dogs do that?

1 comment:

Kristen said...

So this is how I find out we have another dog member of the family? :) I thought one major point of marrying off a child was to decrease the number of bodies in a home...guess I was wrong! You'll have to post a picture of Brie--or send us one--so I can introduce her to the kids!