Thursday, November 27, 2008

My Thankful Heart

Thanksgiving this year was low key and relaxing. Once again, Dennis had Hallmak's kitchen prepare most of our meal. All I had to do was to get it warmed up and put on the table. James and Terra were in charge of heating up the yams, making the dressing, Cherry/Cinnamon Jello with apples and celery, and James brought a side dish that his family has enjoyed for many years, Creamed Cheese me, it's yummy!

An hour or so after dinner, James and Terra cut the pie and brought us a piece. I noticed that the Reddi-Whip on the pumpkin pie looked all screwy like Curly Q ribbon run amok. I thought to myself, don't those kids know how to squirt cream out of a can? Well, the next day I got Dennis a piece of pie, got out the Reddi-Whip and it squirted just as bad or worse as when James and Terra did it. Who needs a defective nozzle on Thanksgiving! LOL I guess I should just be glad it came out of the can and made the pie taste good, right?!

I've been reflecting the past few days on how many blessings I have been given. Of course, family tops the list! We sure feel blessed to have children and grandchildren. It's such a blessing to know that our son and daughters have married people that help them be the kind of people Heavenly Father wants them to be. We also appreciate the love they have for their children and how well they are raising them.

This year we added a grandchild to our family when Derrick and Monica adopted Linda. She's an adorable 11 year old and we're so glad for her and Maya to have each other for sisters. We were so happy when she and Maya and Derrick and Monica came to be with us for a week the day after the formal adoption took place in April. The minute she got out of the car and started to walk towards the house we melted and were in love with her.

It's nice to see that Maya and Linda get along so well. They seemed like best friends, not just sisters.

We got a phone call from LInda yesterday asking if when they came to Kansas last April, if she and Maya had left their parkas. They were about to go and cut down a Christmas tree and it was cold and they couldn't find their jackets. And yes...the jackets never made it back home with them. Derrick told us to donate them to charity because they were getting too small for the girls and it was about to get very hot in AZ. Well, guess Derrick forgot about that, tee hee.

Anyway, after the phone call, I checked on how 'cold' it was in Bullhead City, AZ...and the low was in the 40's and the high would be in the high 60's, so I had a good laugh about them having to wear parkas on such a nice day. Here everyone would be running around in bermudas and flip flops. I guess it's all relative though, they are just getting out of the 90's there and it must seem FRIGID.

Ahhhh then come to find out, Dennis said they were going to Flagstaff, AZ to cut down the tree. So, I checked the weather there and it was COLD there....COLD, COLD, COLD. I hope the girls found something to wear to keep them warm! I'm thankful that Derrick and Monica make such fun memories for their family. How fun to leave the desert and go up into the high country of Flagstaff to get a Christmas tree!

Another exciting event happened this year, actually, just a few months ago. Kristen's birth mother found her and made contact through a registered letter. Dennis and I were so delighted that Marianne made contact, especially when we learned she had never married or had other children. I know that if I had given birth to a daughter as special and talented as Kristen is, I'd sure want to know more about her. They haven't met face to face yet, but I think they both realize how special each of them are. We can never thank Marianne enough for the gift of a beautiful daughter to have blessed our lives. Can't imagine life without her! Hopefully they can meet each other soon! It's nice they are getting to know each other through phone calls and emails. Marianne will LOVE Kristen, Dave and the children!

We're delighted that Terra and James are married and starting out their life together and getting all settled in their nice apartment. It's great they live so close and can be here in a matter of minutes. James commented on how they each brought something to the apartment. He brought the technology stuff, big screen TV, electronic keyboard (he's a wonderful pianist), computer and etc., and she has brought things that make it look contemporary and homey. Their dining room is as pretty as any I have ever seen. Dennis helped them hang mirrors above the console and with her accessories and beautiful table and chairs, it's a gorgeous room to dine in. I'm sure it will enhance the Mac & Cheese Terra loves preparing. She is planning to get into cooking other things now, and is happy she got some nice cookbooks as gifts. I give a big High 5 to James for knowing how to cook...he will be able to survive!

Dennis has been very busy painting the living and dining room. Because we got rid of most of our household furniture to move into this house, we thought when Terra took her fantastic red chair, beautiful wall sculpture, etc., that our living room would really be lacking. Thankfully that isn't true. The room has taken on a huge transformation because of the color of paint and new drapes. It sure is nice to have a husband that is so capable of making things nice around the house!

Have I said how much fun Dennis and I are having together? I thought when we got married 44 years ago that I knew what love was all about. HA! I could have never imagined how much more I would love him as the years went by. I thank my Heavenly Father often for guiding me to Dennis. In every way he has enhanced my life! I know this is such a huge blessing and I'm so grateful.

I'm also very grateful for my membership in the Lord's Church. To know that our family can be united for eternity is such a gift! The counsel given to us from living prophets has helped me in my life. I am thankful for my testimony of the Savior Jesus Christ and for the atonement he made on our behalf. I pray that I may become worthy of all the blessings that can be mine if I do what's right. I am also grateful to live in a wonderful ward and to have many of our old friends still in it. It was fun to move back into the Overland Park 2nd ward again.

It's a blessing to call this great land of America my home. I'm grateful for all the places I've lived and even for the opportunity to have lived in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil and Buenos Aires, Argentina. I feel that in each place I've lived we have tried to see and do all the things available in that area.

When Dennis and I were out last night getting drapes, we went to Pottery Barn where household items were beautifully displayed and then also at Bed Bath & Beyond where there were so many things on shelves for the home that if they didn't have it, you surely didn't need it. Then you go to the grocery stores and there is an abundance of food, even though a few days before people were crowded in there buying for their Thanksgiving meal. How blessed we are! May we share our blessings with those who are less fortunate!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Terra & James

November 15, 2008 was a very special day. Terra and her husband James W. Ferguson were married in the Winter Quarters Temple in Omaha, Nebraska.

We drove up to Omaha on Friday morning, settled into the hotel and soon James and Terra arrived. We then went to the airport to pick up Derrick who flew in from Las Vegas. He and his family live in Arizona about 90 miles south of Las Vegas. It was sure good to see him and we appreciate the sacrifice the family made to have him there! It was fun to see Derrick and Terra tease each other like they always do.

After dinner, Kristen, Dave, Colin, Lindsay & Rebekah showed up and got a room right across from ours. Colin chose to stay with Derrick at another hotel. We took over the breakfast room at the Fairfield Inn and had cheesecake and soda and had Rebekah open birthday gifts we brought along. Her birthday was just two days later, on Sunday

James' family showed up sometime after 9 PM and they sure seem to be nice folks. It was good to meet them and know they all got there safe and sound. Around 10 PM Terra looked exhausted! She and James had been up late the night before at the concert given by Coldplay and I could tell if she didn't get to bed fast, she'd be zonked on her wedding day. So, we bid everyone a goodnight and went right to bed. Terra slept soundly...didn't move a muscle all night long!

It was nice the wedding wasn't until noon so it was a nice relaxing morning. Terra had beakfast with Kristen's family and Dad brought our food to the room so I could eat while getting ready. I thought Kristen looked really pretty for the wedding. She had on a lovely black dress with a burgundy top to go with it.

It was a cold blustery day. Even the night before there were a few snowflakes falling but nothing stuck to the ground. Despite the dark skies our hearts were bright and happy.

The sisters at the temple were really sweet to Terra and told her she was the only one using the Bride's Room that day. It was a lovely, lovely room and Terra seemed so happy. After she got into her wedding dress, her new mom came to apply her make-up. Nancy (mil) has a Merle Norman Cosmetic Store in Springfield, MO, and she did such a beautiful job on Terra's makeup.

It was so nice to see both sides of the family all together in the sealing room and to see James and Terra enter and kneel together at the altar. President Merrill Oaks performed the ceremony and it was lovely. It was nice to look across the room and see Dennis sitting in one of the chairs for the witnesses. I could tell that we were both thrilled that our children had made choices to start out their married life by making covenants to God and to their mate for eternity.

We took lots of pictures outside the temple even though it was in the low 30's and the wind was blowing. Terra looked radiant in her beautiful dress and James looked happy too. Kristen and James' sister, Amber, took lots of pictures...Den did as well. I took some but had to retreat to the car because I was too cold to be out in the wind.

Derrick, joined Kristen's family in painting just married and etc. on the car windows. They even painted our car with "Empty Nesters, Finally" on the back window. As we went to our car, a van pulled up and someone handed Dennis a note which read, "just wait until they replenish the earth and come back!" We had a good laugh.

The wedding luncheon was held at Vivace's and the food was very good. We had an excellent waitress who really took good care of us. I don't think I"ve ever seen anyone drink as much water as I saw Terra drink. I thought the bride was going to float away.

Aaron Cosby made an absolutely delicious white chocolate cheesecake for dessert. It was fun to see Terra and James feed each other this yummy cake.

The Ferguson family headed back to Springfield and had about a 7 hour drive ahead of them. The Voss family went back to the hotel and had a good visit. That night we had pizza, wings, soda and cheesecake. We even got a call from Terra and James saying they forgot to take some cheesecake with them to enjoy at the hotel. So, the next morning Dad and I stopped at the hotel and gave them 4 pieces to enjoy.

All in all it was a very enjoyable and relaxed weekend...perfect! It's wonderful to know that your children make good choices and do things the right way...The Lord's way.

As I see it...that's good!


Sadly, we had to put our good pal Chigger down 2 weeks ago. He was a great standard poodle and he fathered nine pups. We kept one of his pups who we named Miles and think he's just the cutest guy.

After Chigger died, we'd let Miles outside and he'd stand on the deck waiting for Chigger to join him. Sadly, he stood and stood there and his dad never came out. It broke our hearts to see him stand there waiting. When Terra got married a week ago (November 15th), Miles went to stay with one of his brothers. By the time he returned home, it seemed like he waited less time at the door before venturing out to the yard.

While we were at Terra's in-laws for their wedding open house this past weekend, they told us about a woman who had standard poodle pups. To make a long story short, we now have a precious little apricot standard poodle pup that is 8 weeks old. She's a miniature edition of Miles...He looked just like her when he was a pup.

He no longer stands at the door waiting, instead, he's leaping off the deck and chasing his new little friend. They romp and play and seem to be getting along really well. The only setback has been that Brie (her name) doesn't enjoy being in the crate. She is OK about going there at night to sleep, but she doesn't like any part of it during the day. I don't think it will take her long to realize that for an hour a day she'll be in her crate. That way she can be there when I run errands and I won't come home to streams of toilet paper that a dog has pulled on and run down the hallway with. Why do dogs do that?

Dear Me!

Oh my goodness, do I feel my age today! I think I'm pretty with it for my age, but I realize I'm just an old foggie when it comes to navigating my way around the internet.

About 2 months ago, Terra and I sat on my bed and she got me signed on with Facebook. From that point on it seemed like I heard from everyone I knew wanting me to be their Facebook pal. Truth be known, I have no idea as to how to sign into my own Facebook page and it seemed to me that Terra and I even stopped in mid stream of putting it together because I thought was just dumb. So,I probably have friends out there that think I'm offish when it's just that I don't know how to do all this new age stuff.

Trust me, I know that answering machines are not new age, but I have decided not to use ours. If I'm not home, I'm not home, call me back! (doesn't that sound like something Maxine would say?!) I hate being responsible for a message someone leaves and me failing to take time to see who called. Sometimes it's just OK by me to not be constantly connected. I don't do well either with people who's cell phones are stuck to their ears or when they take calls during meals or even when they are in conversations with other people. It's OK to not be available. Silence is golden!

Ok... If I'm so opposed to being 'connected', then you may ask why do I have a blog? Blame it on my daughter and daughter-in-law, Kristen and Monica. I have really enjoyed reading theirs and I realize that it's a great way to journal. If I'm going to be on the computer, I may as well use my time writing about things 'As I See It."

I called Kristen today to ask her what her blog address is and before we hung up she had set this up for me. Funny thing is, during the process we found out that in July of 2006 I had started one! Well, you know, minds fade and I forgot I had started writing one. I think I was posting things for 72 Hour Kits so I could share with online friends. Anyway, never shared it and forgot about it until this afternoon.

Dear's tough being 67 Teen!